Project File Management, Other Features & Portal Customization

Available Options Implementation
Add or Delete User Names & Passwords Completed Upon Your Request
Add New Project Folders or Delete Project Folders Completed Upon Your Request
Rename or Delete Files from Project Folders Completed Upon Your Request
Move Documents to Other Project Folders Completed Upon Your Request
Turn On e-Commerce for Project Folder Orders Requires Consultation Meeting
Turn Off e-Commerce for Project Folder Orders Completed Upon Your Request
Customize Your Portals Look &/or Features Requires Consultation Meeting

Note: The above changes can be ordered by clicking on the "Feature Request" link located on the Side Menu. All requests will be completed by Dominion Blue within 2-3 business days. If this is a rush order, please complete and submit the form, and then call our Preflight Department at 604.681.7504

All Feature Request orders placed through this site will be charged to your existing Dominion Blue account at the previously established set pricing. If you have any questions please give your account manager a call.